Friday, April 18, 2008


Awww, Friday, a most wonderful day for me as a teacher. The only problem with it is that I have to deal with my M/W/F Superelite kids and they do rather put a damper on things. Some days everything goes great and I think that teaching is a wonderfully rewarding profession that I could see myself doing back in the states. Then come the days when I come home frustrated and counting the days I have left. (10 months and 2 weeks, 4 weeks of which are childless) So what happened today? Well, my 'wonderful' Super Elite are continuing their downward spiral into slovenly mediocrity and disrespectful idiocy.

Poor mites. About the only thing that shuts them up is saying I will call in Teacher May. These kids just will not do anything I tell them to do. I spend a good 15 minutes of classtime just getting started on MWF. I think part of the problem is that I've got 6 bad kids out of 7 versus 3-4 out of 7 or 8 for my T TH classes. When every kids is a bad kid, they feed off each other. I really wish we could restucture the classes to break up the groups, but the kids would still be horrible and would probably just form different groups, perhaps even worse ones advocating the burning of foreigners and instigation of kimchi parties.

Sigh. So I may have behaved inappropriately today. I called the kids useless brats and who were wasting space. Umm, should I admit this in a public blog? Sure since someone may read who is thinking about doing this and will have both good and bad impressions from me. Yep, I also told this kids I didn't like them. I was definitely ready to come home and every moment I spent with them is a moment gone and irrecoverable and I don't want to give these kids a moment of my time more then their parents have paid for.

At first I worried about what would happen when the kids tell their parents I called them brats and literally pulled them from the classroom, then I realized that I do a pretty good job with the little kids and this is just afterclub and they won't fire me because I can't control one class. The worst they might do is reassign the class(oh happy day) or if the Moms were upset and pulled out of PSA, they would probably open up a new club or find something for me to do. Wow, that would make me so happy. :Peacefully staring off into the distance:

Now I am deliberately not going into what made me become so frustated with the little brats, or dears, since it doesn't really matter and its really boring. Anyway, so I do hope you all wish me luck with the whipersnappers next week. Here's hoping they all quit PSA.

On a happier note, the wonderful, stupendous, marvelous parents of mine sent me a care package of many things intended to make my stay here in Korea just that much more enjoyable, and it sure will. Smile. I guess Priority Mail (ridiculously expensive) goes really fast. It took a week. I worried that it might have a problem with customs, but nope, sailed right on through. That package waiting for me seriously helped me get through the torturous Super Elite. I will NOT think about going in a Monday. NOT AT ALL.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sallie, buck up. You can always find the "brats" in any group. The trick is to keep them so darn busy they don't have time to be stinkers. Rewarding good behavior rather than disciplining the bad behavior seemed to work best for me.
Remember the 'good old days' at Kleberg?
Love, Grandma

Anabolina said...

Lol, I suppose. The thing is that its when they are busy and we have a lot to do that they want to act out. We had a busy 2 weeks with oone day off and 3 tests and a presentation and that's when they choose to get really bad and act like American children.