Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's a good day

It's a good day here at PSA. It's beautiful. The sun is shining, the air is fresh and breezy, the temperature is probably around 65. It's so nice. I took a walk while my coteacher was teaching the little ones her subject to a walk around the corner from the school. Maybe 5 minutes each way counting the trip down the stairs. Yes snack was those icky rice balls with the sweet bean paste inside, but that's okay since we had some good snacks this week too. And for lunch tomorrow, we get spaghetti and garlic bread. That's going to be fun to eat with chop sticks. It's so weird to use chopsticks everyday for lunch. The kids get forks, but the adults only get chopsticks. I suppose you could ask for a foork, but they aren't given to you.

Anyway, I've just got a moment and wanted to share this beautiful Korean day with you all. Oh and I have next Wednesday off because it's election day and we get paid on Monday and a lot of us are probably going to go to Kangnam for Carne Station (Korean barbeque all you can eat) on Tuesday night. You know celebrate our money by spending it :)


A Texas Granny said...

I never before realized that I am celebrating my money every day!
. . . I am constantly spending money.

Love you!

- Auntie V

Anabolina said...

lol. Well, what's the use of money if you aren't enjoying it.